
Mind maps with

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organized in a mind map

So long 2009, Welcome 2010!

2009 is one of those unforgettable years in my life, both at personal and professional levels. Some success, some failures, some struggles and some achievements - overall, 2009 had been a well balanced in terms of events. Well, I'm not going to discuss all of those here because if I do, you might click on the 'ËœX' on the top-right of your screen. Instead, I'll just record some of my thoughts that are related to this blog alone. Let's start:

I was more active in blog than the previous year:

Yes, I was. You can see that yourself by looking at the post count in the Sidebar Archives section. Out of the 175 posts that I published till now, 121 posts were published this year. July 2009 tops the ranking with 18 posts!

My Blog performed very well in 2009:

My active blogging was reflected by the good amount of traffic that my blog recieved. Here's a snapshot of my blog's traffic stats from WordPress.

Blog Traffic Stats

[]: https://veerasundar.com/img/2009/12/blog-stats.png

And my post 'Closing the last tab in Firefox 3.5' was one of the popular post with more than 8000 views this year, while my other article '15 creative Java applications based on Netbeans platform' was featured in Netbeans.org home page.

'ËœUnited' stats for veerasundar.com/blog:

Well, I meant the 'Ëœcombined' stats, not USA! anyway, here's the comparision between my last year's stats and the current year's.

stats for what?






Number of Posts






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That's some good stats, isn't it?

On the Dev side, I released 3 apps:

While I was working/blogging hard, I was also spending some time to realize my ideas. I released three applications, well each of them were developed using different technology. Here are they for you:

CSS Sorter is a Java application that sorts the CSS rules alphabetically. [![][11]][11] [Timelinr][11] is a PHP based web application to create timelines online. [![][13]][13] [Stockr][13] is a Firefox extension for tracking share prices online. [![][15]][15]

Thank you, my Readers! YOU made this possible:

Yeah, all these numbers were came true, only because of you, my readers. I thank you for supporting me through out this year and I wish you a happy and prosperous new year 2010. lets welcome the new year together! :)

[]: http://csssorter.appspot.com [11]: https://veerasundar.com/timelinr []: https://veerasundar.com/timelinr [13]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/52363/ []: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/52363/