Recently, I was surprised to get an email from an Java fresher, who asked me to give some suggestions on learning J2EE technologies. Here is what I've replied:
My advice to the Java Freshers:
- Along with plain servlets and JSPs, it's good to know about a MVC framework (Struts or JSF), Hibernate and Spring. These days Spring is getting more attention as both MVC framework and as data access framework. So, try to master Spring.
- Also, have a good understanding about JUnit and log4j. Most of the enterprise applications use these two.
- And try working with application servers like JBoss or Glassfish, since you will have to use these for your application development/deployment.
- Learn JSTL (in case you didn't know it before)
- Create an online portfolio - since you are already developing websites, this will not be tough.
- Apart from the server side technologies, try to get a grip on the client side tools also (JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, etc).
- Regarding the companies, Sun would be a better place to get a good exposure in J2EE!!
Just kidding!! The experience is depends on the kind of project that you get!! Even if you don't get challenging projects, you are always welcomed to take up a open source Java project!
Do you want to add anything to this?