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x.com innovate conference 2011 - Live

Just now reached the x.com conference that is happening @ San Francisco. eBay is going to announce its new commerce platform. Will try to update the news as soon as it happens (kinda live blogging!).. wait for the updates.

**9:45 AM **Recently eBay acquired Magento - the eCommerce platform. One of the key point of this new platform launch is integrating Magento APIs with existing eBay and PayPal API.  Two developers from Megento team are now demonstrating how easy is to use Megento even for a common man. Publishing inventory to multiple marketplaces is just a click away in Magento.

Magento demo is going on full swing. The commerce platform has full suite of tools including analytics.

Okay.. Magento got a nice interface with graphs and data points. Something similar to Google Analytics. The analytics module is integrated with Adobe.

Running ad campaign from Magento is just a click away (actually 2). Select the products you want to run ads and then choose the platform (Google / Facebook). Your ad will be online. No doubt that Magento makes the merchants lazy. :)

10:00 AM Magento supports automated localization. A chinese developers demoed how he used Magento to build a site that is automatically translated to French and Chinese.

**10:07 AM **Magento Connect has over 4000 extension which are downloaed over 4 million times. Its the market place for the Magento extension that enable the users to extend the power of Magento.

**10:10 AM **Launching PayPal Access - The commerce identity. Looks like the open ID for commerce. Now going for a demo. PayPal has around 100 million active users. With so much of data, it is a no brainer to introduce such a identity provider service.

Cut and Paste JavaScript and you get the PayPal access button in your webpage that enables your users to login with PayPal account. Makes sense, if your eCommerce website users logs in with an account that has bank account and credit card connected to it.

**10:20 AM **Betsy from ToysRus demoed the product shopping right from a mobile phone using RedLaser another eBay acquisition. Its a mobile app for scanning bar/qr codes. It also shows the related products from local places when you scan the product code. From there, it is easy to buy the product using PayPal.

**10:30 AM **Facebook platform marketing director (eBay) is talking about social design and how friends and social web influence our decision to buy. There's a huge scope for innovating new shopping experience using Facebook *Open Graph *API and *eBay and PayPal *APIs.

**10:40 AM **the keynote is over. The real action starts now. Heading to sessions.

**11 AM **Photos from the break.

The X

eBay PayPal booth

a booth @ innovate conference

one of the delicious session, Lunch

colorful entrance @ innovate

**12:30 Introduction to X.Commerce platform **- session by Neal Sample (CTO of X.Commerce). Talked mostly about integrating Magento and its capabilities to publish to multiple channels. Lots of information about the Fabric which connects the eBay product APIs with your application. The news from CTO is the Fabric is already ready and can be downloaded right away from x.com

1:45 PM The future of real web applications - speaker differentiate the difference between native apps and web apps in mobile. As we all know, web apps has the advantage of silent update and wins the race.

2:00 PM Use HTML5 CSS3 in mobile development rather than native code. CSS3 can be used to design the attractive animations. Adobe is coming up with Edge to achieve that. Now all the HTML5 features are demonstrated and recommended to be used. For example, instead of using Cookies, use local storage. Because cookies are insecure and enables the data to be theft with little effort. Local storage don't have this problem.

**2:15 PM **Wow! cool demo about syncing HTML5 video and your article navigation. Using *data-start *and data-end attributes you can mention which part of the video associated with the article so that when the user navigates through articles, the video is synced automatically. Here's an related article  - Syncing content with Video. Here's the presenter's home page: Christian Heilmann and the presentation

4:00 PM Obviously, the conference saved the best part for the last. The day ended with the key note speech from *Blake Mycoskie *who's the founder of Tom Shoes. Blake narrated his companies story, the cause behind founding such an organization. For the ones who hadn't known about Tom, it's the shoe selling company with a social cause behind it - every pair of shoe they sell, they give one pair to the children in need'. The way Blake narrated his story so inspiring that at least some percentage of audiences would have definitely decided to found something similar to what Blake had done.

**6:00 PM **And the day ends with a rocking party @ Moscone. Unfortunately, as we had to travel back to San Jose, we left the party in the midway half-heartedly.

Day 2 - Oct 13

**10:00 AM **Thanks to the one long hour commute, we reached the place a bit later than we anticipated. The panel were already discussing about the consumer trends. Now looking forward to the afternoon sessions.

**11:00 AM **The end note is **PayPal is absolutely committed to investing more in x.commerce. **

11:15 AM *Chris Bangle* - the Automobile designer is on stage now. And, he says anybody can be a car designer. Download some cool car photos from internet, user photoshop to combine them and your are done!  Never knew that even automobile engineers use the Cut & Paste technique. :)

**11:30 AM **Chris has done with his speech. The main take away from his talk was that you should always answer three questions why, how and what before doing anything.