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Joined ThoughtWorks

The news is, I have left PayPal last week, and joined ThoughtWorks as an UI developer.

I have been associated with PayPal for almost 3 years (with 3 months break in between) and without a doubt, that experience had taught me some valuable lessons. But, lately, I have started focusing heavily on JavaScript and I decided to part ways with PayPal to get myself into a work that has scope for JavaScript development.

So, I picked ThoughtWorks (err, they picked me!).

ThoughtWorks is a well known software development company amongst the developer community here, known for their contribution to Agile practice, Selenium & CruiseControl. Having heard good feedback about ThoughtWorks from the community & my ex-colleagues at PayPal, I was really looking forward to join the company.

Now, it's been 2 days (just) and the kind of culture I see at ThoughtWorks is something that I have never seen at my previous work places. To start, there are no cubicles. Everyone sit around tables (including Managers, GMs) and one can move to any place as their project demands. There's no fixed location, as such. As someone who alyways had a cubicle number given to him, the cubicle-less arrangement is a new experience to me.

ThoughtWorks Chennai Office

I think I'll cut out here, as it's been just 2 days since I started working at ThoughtWorks. I'll try to write more as the time goes by.

The last time when I wrote a similar post was when I moved from Infosys to CSC. In that post, I have added a photo of IT Highway (OMR, Chennai), even though my previous workplace was not near to that place pictured in that photo. But now, that photo makes more sense as the ThoughtWorks campus is located very near to that road. So, as an end note, here's that photo for you.

IT Highway, OMR, Chennai