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Looking back and forward

The time sure flies! Yet another December 31'²st and 'ËœHappy New year' wishes everywhere. What else would be the right time to stop and look back?

As I did last year, here's a retrospection of things that I did in the past one year.

Last year resolutions:

  • Release the new website I am working on - I did release it, around last March or April, I think. Though I didn't made any BIG attempts to market it as I knew there are lots of things to be done before putting it on the line of fire.
  • Learn a new language - ha.ha! this one became a sticky point in my every new year resolutions (like how people have 'Ëœreduce weight' in their list but fail to do so). Seriously, didn't have any reasons to go beyond the languages that I already knew. I did learn few frameworks and new techniques but that won't fall under 'ËœLearning a new Language'. Isn't it?
  • Network with more people in my field - Well, I was able to interact with some great people and I'm hoping to do so in the coming years too!

New year resolutions:

Time for setting new goals.

  • Release treesk.com - I'm currently working hard on this and my plan is to release it in another few months and make it as a successful product.
  • Get a new job - if I fail in my first resolution, obviously the next step would be to find a new job.
  • Improve my skills in photography.

Important events for veerasundar.com/blog:

  • My blog performed really well in terms of traffic. For the past four months, it was consistently hitting 40K page views/month and the total number of page views has crossed **800, 000 **(compared to 400,00 page views last year).
  • Adsense earning was comparatively good. Received the Google check twice last year. And, some ad offers were renewed.
  • Google Friend connect subscribers grew to **144 **(compared to 69 last year).

Traffic stats for 2011:

From WordPress.com stats plug-in:

From Google Analytics - stats for past 1 year:

Happy new year!

So, that's it for now. As an end note, I'm wishing everyone a happy and eventful new year. May all your wishes come true! :)