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Looking back and forward (2012)

Ever since I started blogging, during end of the year I used to write a retrospection of things I did in that year. It has kinda become a tradition to me and an excuse for a new post. As the year **2012 **has only a day of fuel left in it, let me stop and look back.

Last year resolutions:

You follow them or not, but you must make a list of new years resolutions. So, did I. For 2012, I had three things in my mind.

  1. Release **treesk.com **- it's my web app that I've started working on during the first quarter of 2012. Initially I planned to release it before 2012, but due to some personnel setbacks (definitely not because of Mayans's), I couldn't. But I'm quite happy with its current progress. The 0.9 version of it 'Ëœalmost'Ëœ ready and I'm hoping that the 1.0 version will see the light before first quarter of 2013.
  2. Get a new job - I did kinda get a *new *job. I mean, I joined *PayPal *again. Even though I worked at PayPal for last 2 years, I was a CSC employee then. Last year, I directly joined PayPal. Not sure what 2013 has in its store for my career! :)
  3. Improve skills in photography - totally nuked this. I hardly took out my Camera last year (apart from the time when I was in San Jose/San Francisco). Next year, SHOULD.GO.FOR.PHOTO.WALKS.

New year resolutions:

  1. Release treesk. Make it reach people.
  2. Write. A lot. Get back to blogging. And, possibly an eBook.
  3. Open source timethetask.

Some important events:

  1. Launched and open sourced Twikural.
  2. Became a DZone Most Valuable Blogger (MVB).
  3. This blog crossed **1 million **page views.

Stats for veerasundar.com/blog:

2012 statistics

Happy new year!

I take this moment to wish every one of you and your family a happy and prosperous new year!

So, screw you _Mayans _and what's up 2013?