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Moved to Chennai, India

It has been several days since I posted anything in this blog. Well, there was a reason for that - I quit Infosys and joined CSC. For that I had to move to Chennai and it took my last two weekends for the relocation and settling in. Didn't get much time to put something together and write here.

I do not want to elaborate more on quitting Infosys. It was a decision that I had to take because of several reasons and I had moved out of Infosys on February 26, where I spent 3 quality years.  My current position at CSC gives me ample opportunities to grow in the field where I actually want to be in.

On moving to Chennai, it gives me a feeling that I am back at my home. Chennai is not a new place to me. I spent 4 years here, doing my studies at a local college. Because of my previous job, I had to stay away from Chennai for the past 3 and half years and now I'm back. The ways that the city has changed in these 3 years were amazed me. But the main problems of the city - traffic, pollution, weather and water - are still here. I hope the city gets better and better in the coming days.

The IT highway in Chennai The IT highway in Chennai

Well, that's it for now. Wait for more articles on web designing and development because that is what I'm gonna do hereafter in my new job!